Illness is considered a behavioral stressor: True
Fear and Shame
Limited Awareness
Fear and shame: People recognize the negative stigma and discrimination associated with having a mental illness and don’t want to be labeled “mentally ill."
Distrust: It’s difficult to consider revealing personal details to a doctor or counselor. Many express concern about “telling a stranger” about their problems. Additionally, they worry that their personal information won’t be kept confidential.
Limited awareness: They may dismiss or minimize their issues and say “everyone gets stressed out” or “my problems aren’t that bad” or “you’re making more out of this than you need to.”
A healthy adult heart rate can range from 60 to 100 beats per minuteduring rest. Kids' heart rates can be as low as 60 beats per minute during sleep and as high as 220 beats per minute during strenuous physical activity.
Workers and patients should have confidence in speaking and instructing their patients. Various workshops and speech therapy in order to boost up the confidence will help.
<h3>What is the current scenario of health workers ? </h3>
Health workers are often diagnosed with more of health issues with because of many negligence because of shortage of time and shortage of time to introspect one self.
Tongue exercises Stick your tongue out, hold for two seconds, then bring it back in and Simply smiling in front of a mirror can help improve motor skills Puckering your lip , Try puckering your lips, then relaxing, Reading out loud and Playing word games.
Speech therapist will help to assess the issues on is facing in expressing themselves and the issues that they are dealing with internally where they are not able to express the problems they are dealing with internally.
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