Survivors should be notified that they could change their class shedule and living situation to avoid the person who assoulted them.
The Campus Sexual Assault Survivor's Bill of RIghts what stablished in 1992 in order to protect victims fo sexaul assault.
This item right here is very important, survirors should be told about their rights of changing their activities, classes or living situation in order to feel safe. This among other items should be guaranteed for the victim.
The answer is D) Nutritional benefits. Food companies do not need to pu what benefits there are to eating the food. They just have to put all the ingredient (bad or good), Net weight (Helps control your diet and what your eating), and the serving size. Nutritional benefits is not needed. Not required.
physical because they inject it into you.
The answer is B- 2½ cups
According to The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)'s MyPlate men are required to consume 2½ to 3 cups of vegetables per day. For women it is 2 to 2½ cups of vegetables per day. A person becomes a young Adult at the age of 19. The client is following a 2000 calories diet therefore he would need to eat 2½ cups of vegetable per day according to the USDA's guidelines. Vegetables are important maintaining healthy weights and reducing the risk of serious diseases such as stroke, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. They contain vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, folic acid.
The last option is negative