oxygen enters blood cells by 'diffusion'
Answer: The observation "A" leads us to conclude that the finches populations are from two different species
According to the biological concept of species, <em>a set of individuals are from the same species if they are able to reproduce and leave fertile offspring</em>. This is key so one species can be successful and perpetuate through time. If they cannot leave descendants, then the species will be extinct. However, it’s possible that two individuals from different species mate and have descendants, but they cannot leave fertile offspring. When they are from different species, the offspring will be sterile and it is called a hybrid.
In the case of the South American finch, the island's finch population and mainland's finch population belong to different species because their offspring is sterile. To have different features, as different feather's color, or to have other dietary preference is not enough to say that they are different species. This is because within the same species, individuals can have variations. For example, we can different eye color and belong to the same species.
The common name of this organism is hydra.
Hydra is a fresh water organism and belongs to the phylum Cnidarian. They have tentacles around their body that enables locomotion as well as protection from prey. Hydra has the ability of regeneration and the asexual mode of reproduction in hydra is budding.
In the budding process, a small bud develops in the parent body and the bud after maturation gets detached from the parent body and grows into a new individual. Sexual mode of reproduction is also found in hydra.
Answer: Option A is correct. They eat consumers which ate plants, which absorb it from soil.
Carnivores get nitrogen from the food they eat or consuming nitrogen from the small insects trapped in plant. They eat consumers which in turn eat plants and absorb nitrogen from the soil.
d. anaerobic
anaerobic means no oxygen and fermentation occurs when there is a lack of oxygen