answer is 100 base pairs long
a. Determine the allele frequencies of:
f(T) = 0.485 ≅ 0.48
f(t) = 0.515 ≅ 0.52
b. Determine the genotype frequencies of the exposed generation
- F (TT) = 0.21
- F (Tt) = 0.55
- F (tt) = 0.24
the genotype frequencies of the next generation
- F(TT) = 0.23
- F(Tt) = 0.5
- F(tt) = 0.27
Due to technical problems, you will find the complete answer and explanation in the attached files
1-C............. ...............
Streams that flow beneath melting glaciers leave long ridges of layered sediments, known as Esker. Eskers are formed within ice-walled tunnels by streams which flowed within and under glaciers. They tended to form around the time of the glacial maximum when the glacier was slow and sluggish and after the retaining ice walls melted away, stream deposits remained as long winding ridges.