Sea floor sediment provide an invaluable key to past climate change. Finely varved sediments from areas of rapid deposition provide a high-resolution record of past climate variation, and volcanic ash layers contribute to the comprehensive study of climate change on relatively short timescales. Oceanographers like to say that we know more about the dark side of the Moon than we do about the oceans. That statement is doubly true of the seafloor. Although modern technology has allowed us to learn more about the seafloor, vast regions remain unexplored. Scuba divers can only dive to about 40 meters and they cannot stay down there for very long. Although this is good for researching the organisms and ecosystems very near a coast, most oceanic research requires accessing greater depths.
How was the government able to make children go to residential school?
help me out bro!!! !! ! !
answer: 2) sequence of building blocks of a protein found in a cell.
Just random FYI:
- it is a mutation, that is generally not looked upon as being severe or detrimental to the person
-by changing the base by either adding or deleting from a protein strand will cause the protein to be useless
-frameshift mutation deals with DNA sequence being shifted. For example: a DNA strand looks like a ladder. If one of the rungs on the ladders gets skipped and the next ladder rung gets the code that the previous rung should have gotten, then that is what a frameshift mutation is. Hopefully that makes sense. It's easier to explain if there was a picture.
there are other types of mutation but I won't get into them.
Hopefully this helped and good luck.
Cell division or reproduction process is called mitosis