Celebrations often include singing and dancing, storytelling, poetry reading
Because Kwanzaa is so family-oriented, it’s easy to involve children. In addition, many of the activities surrounding this rich history are either child-centered or can certainly be adapted to the little ones.
Like most holidays, food is front and center during Kwanzaa. Typical flavors include a mixture of sweet and spicy with lots of fruit and meat. There are definitely dishes they will love, including <em>Chakhokhbili </em>(Georgian chicken with herbs) and Curried Chicken and Banana Soup.
Jerremy has arrived at an (incorrect) fallacious conclusion.
Jeremy in assuming that there is a direct correlation between the two factors: being vegetarian and going to the moon. However that is nos not true, those events have no proven direct correlation on their own, so, becoming a vegetarian will not increase the probability of him going to the moon. Even if a correlation could be proven it would be possible to assume that being an astronaut increases the chances of one being vegetarian, not the other way around.
it would depend where ur at in wv its atleast get 5-7 inches