When you pay with a credit card you use the bank's money that you have to pay back but with a debit card, you are using money straight out of your account. In the end, you are basically using your money just not in the form of paper.
When you pay with a credit card you use the bank's money that you have to pay back but with a debit card, you are using money straight out of your account. In the end, you are basically using your money just not in the form of paper.
see below
Personal income is the total earning an individual gets from wages, investments, bonuses, dividends, profits, or other ventures. It is the sum of a household income. Personal income is calculated per period, usually one year.
Economic conditions refer to the prevailing state of a country or region's economy. Economic conditions are ever-changing and are influenced by business cycles of expansions and contraction, government fiscal and monetary policies, macroeconomic factors, and global factors. Governments and investor use indicators to tell the state of the economy
Economic conditions impact people's and business income. Government policies and global economics influence the level of economic activities. The expansion period has increased economic activities are leading to increased incomes. At contraction, business activities decline, resulting in reduced income.
Net Cash provided by Operating Activities $20,900.00
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Net Income $16,000.00
Adjustments to reconcile Net Income:
+ Depreciation expenses.
- Increase in Accounts receivables.
+Decrease in Inventory
+Increase in Salaries Payable.
Net Cash provided by Operating Activities $20,900.00
The significance of Total product, Average product, and Marginal product is that they show how effective, and efficient a manufacturing process is.
<h3>How do these metrics show productivity?</h3>
Taking the labor component in production as an example, one can see the impact of these metrics.
The total product will show just how much goods and services in total that the given amount of labor was able to produce. This gives management an idea of the effectiveness of the labor in producing goods and services.
The average product then shows how efficient labor is because it gives an idea of the products produced per labor.
Marginal product is very important as well because it helps management to know when to stop hiring labor. This point will be the production level that sees the marginal product being less than the cost of hiring additional labor.
These three metrics are therefore important to management because they help to determine effectiveness, efficiency, and cost of production.
Find out more on marginal product at
The main reason for the success of the Beats Electronics is: <u>B. it created a perception that owning its products was cool.</u>
Beats Electronics was able to outperform in the premium headphone market. They were able to out-stand from their competitive companies like JBL, Bose, Audio-Technica, Skullcandy and Sennheiser.
Beats Electronics made their customers to believe that owning their product is cool. They created a perception to the customers which made them to lead in the market.
Perception refers to the way the information is conveyed to others. Beat Electronics followed this strategy and made their customers to feel that owning their product is cool.