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These statements would fit well in an apology letter:
- Make a promise that it won't happen again - Putting the wrong date is a very serious and very strange mistake at the same time. It's strange because professionals usually do not make that kind of mistake, and it's serious because it can completely distort as schedule, as it happened in this case.
- Apologize sincerely - again, as the mistake was serious and strange at the same time, an apology is necessary.
- Accept responsability - accepting responsability for one's actions is not only the professional thing to do, but also the ethical thing to do.
And this statement is appropriate when presenting a bad newsletter:
- If the reason or explanation is not confidential and will not create legal liability - giving out specific information in a corporate context can result in legal liabilities that potentially cost a lot of money, therefore, it is important to carefully choose one's words, while at the same time being honest with the reader.
Written essay
Written essay method is an approach of performance appraisal, where appraiser prepare a written statement about the strength and weekness of employee to appraise their performance, these strength and weekness are evaluated on the basis of past performance at the employment. It also suggest solution for performance improvement. It is one of the effective method of performance appraisal, however, it is time consuming.
In the given case, Wade have described strength and weekness of each subordinates and also suggested technique to improve performance, therefore, wade is using Written essay method of performance appraisal.
A letter by Secretary of State John C. Calhoun to President Tyler linked the idea of absorbing Texas directly to the goal of strengthening slavery in the United States.
Prospective presidential candidates, Henry Clay and Martin Van Buren, met and agreed to reject the immediate annexation of Texas on the grounds it might lead to war with Mexico.
snce rita times 4 to the power of rodriquez is 24 then this is proven to be true