do something simple, teach the 4 year old something of their age, that they would like, how to make a sandwich, decorate a cookie, remember their phone number...simple and write the books in steps explaining to them in a fun way
page 1 go to the refrig and find all the things you like on your me what you like
page 2 all items on the counter, wash hands
page 3 bread first place it down on a cutting board
page 4 what should go on the sandwich first?
A giant eagle picks him up along with his traveling box and flies away with him.
Green . Like the phase green with jealously
The first line of the poem 'To the doctor who treated the
raped baby and felt such despair' by Finuala Dowling is “<span>I just wanted to say on behalf of us all. The plural
pronoun used is ‘us’ which represents a lot of them wanted to say something to
the doctor but instead only a single person spoke.</span>
Let ASB and LEADERSHIP kids to be able to leave school early than the other kids :P