I disagree, honestly. I have looked up A.mitchell palmers and he was an aterney general. Radical evolution is a book based on humans with non-human abilities. It looks interesting but the man has nothing to do with Radical Evolution.
There were several nations who sought to claim the territory such as the Americans, British, French, and Spanish. John Quincy Adams resolved this through the Treaty of 1818 where the border of the United States and Canada was established at the 49th Parallel.
Hope this Helps!!
Dilemma in Japan is a non-fiction book written by Andrew Roth during World War II, and it was first published in the United States in September 1945. In Dilemma In Japan, Andrew Roth warns of the threat of the Zaibatsu, and so-called "moderates" to post-war Japan. Roth describes how the Occupation should treat Hirohito, and cites Hirohito's war responsibility, and the need for him to be put on trial as a war criminal.
Genghis Khan was ruthless and very efficient when conducting scare tactics. His army was on horses, nimble and ready to surprise attack with swift strikes and to launch a hail of arrows while on the move. But most importantly he would not wage war just with soldiers but would also take hostages, torture and kill women and children and a lot more to scare his enemies into submission without too much fighting.