Clearcutting removes all the trees within a certain area at one time. Shelterwood cutting also removes all the trees in an area, but does it in stages over several years. Seed-tree cutting removes all the trees except for a select number of mature trees that can then reseed the area.
Hope that helps!
I hate to ask and sound stupid, but the drug or the basic chemical?
An electrogenic effect
An electrogenic transport is a process where there is a translocation of net charge across the membrane. E.g of electrogenic channels are Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Cl− channels.
Colder temperatures that last for a short period of time such as 3-4 days.
We are given with the data that at 10 am, the temp is 40oF. We are asked for the time when the body's temperature is equal to 80oF. In this casem we use Newtons law of cooling: T (t) = Ta + (To - Ta) e -kt. Substituing, 98.6 = 40 + (80-40) e -0.1947t. t is equal to . Hence the approximate time of death is -1.96 hrs ago or approx two hours ago. The answer is 8 am.