Non republican or democratic ideas.
In the United States of America, the third-Party term is used to recognize all the political parties different from Republican or Democratic political parties which are the two main influences in politics all over the country. At the moment some of the parties that are considered as third-parties are: Libertarian party, Green party, Socialism, among others.
In their agricultural practices and Architectures
During the pre-columbian civilizations, people in South America was already known to implement several techniques and technologies that can still implemented by many societies today.
For example:
<u>- Specialization in crops.</u>
Many evidence found that pre-columbian civilizations understand really well the type of crops that can grow in the climate within their region. So, they prioritized their resoruces on growing that crop to maximize their production.
<u>- Irrigations</u>
Pre-columbian civilizations already implemented a technology to distribute water from sources such as lake and river to the regions that located far away from the sources. Many histories even suggested that Spanish empire adopted this technology into their agricultural system during the colonization period.
<u>- Architecture</u>
The architectural structure that found for gatherings and ceremonies in this region require profound knowledge in geometry. Which considered to be advanced for civilizations within that time period.
During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln gave a speech at Gettysburg's National Cemetery on November 1863, to honor the Soldier's commitment, it was called <em>"The Gettysburg Address"</em>, which conveyed his thought about life, politics, and morality, and pointing out how men are created equal, to emphasize this to the beginning of the new nation recently founded, alluding to the declaration of independence and appealing to the people's sentiment and feelings of uncertainty and skepticism about the Civil War's worthiness, in order to infuse confidence, by making the parallel associating that stage in importance with the early foundation of the country.
He positioned the events as a step forward in the right direction to mark the American history as it was intended with the <em>Declaration of Independence</em>, repeatedly using the statement <em>"The Union"</em> all the way, as synonym of a new nation, setting out a broader definition of Liberty.
A filter question
Filter questions is a form of survey questionnaire, in which the questions are presented in such a way that, participants only answer questions that are applicable to them, or related to their conditions only, which will make them not to answer questions that do not relate to them.
For example, when a participants answer “yes” to filter questions, they are then asked more detailed follow-up questions, otherwise, respondents who give “no” answers, are not questioned further on the topic.
Hence, in this case, because of the sensitivity involved in the issue of assault, it is best to establish victimization with FILTER QUESTION.
Jamestown: The first successful settlement in the Virginia colony founded in May, 1607. Harsh conditions nearly destroyed the colony but in 1610 supplies arrived with a new wave of settlers. ... Jamestown grew to be a prosperous shipping port when John Rolfe introduced tobacco as a major export and cash crop.