Correct answers are:
3. The British government could more easily control and tax the colonists if they lived east of the mountain range.
4. The native people asked that the British not allow their colonist to encroach on their lands.
Namely, options 3 and 4 are correct because Britain wanted to prevent settlements of this area by colonists, as they were afraid that colonists were be out of their jurisdiction. Also, Natives were rebelling against this, even the famous Pontiac's rebellion had a lot to do with this.
France had no influence in this area, as they lost their lands, while the question of safety of colonists was not in their focus at the time.
Conditioned stimulus
The conditioned stimulus is the neutral stimulus of classical conditioning before conditioning. It becomes associated with the unconditional stimulus, which will eventually trigger the conditional response. Ivan Pavlov has been proposed classical conditioning. In classical conditioning there are
- Conditional stimulus
- Unconditional stimulus
- Conditioned response
- Conditional stimulus.
Thus in the above experiment, The conditional stimulus was the unconditional response.
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