Sometimes we come to a fork in the road that calls for us to make difficult or drastic decisions. Our goals change, and we have varied priorities in different phases of our lives.
These decisions can impact all areas of our lives, including the lives of those around us. They aren’t things like what to name the dog or which shower curtain to buy; rather, these are points in time where we have to discern opportunity from risk. Examples include decisions about a career change, moving, buying or selling a house, ending or beginning a relationship, placing loved ones in a full-time care facility, adopting a child, retirement and many more.Just pondering those examples can bring thoughts of tension and confusion. These life choices demand careful consideration.
Here are five suggestions to help you make tough decisions:
1 --Look beyond the moment
2 --Evaluate a “head choice” versus a “heart choice”
3 --Consider if you could you survive if disappointed
4 --Respect the effect and influence of others
5 --Go with what you know