The correct answers to these open questions are the following.
Define secularism and describe the role of secularism in Native and non-Native interactions.
Secularism can be defined as the separation of religious teachings, concepts, or dogmas from the civic issues, affairs, or consideration from the government, the state, and social norms in modern societies.
How does secularism influence Native and non-Native paradigms regarding natural resources? How has this difference influenced Native and non-Native interactions?
Secularism affected the Native American Indian tribe's culture and beliefs in that secularism completely tried to change the perspective of life and belief systems the Indian had, at the moment white Europeans colonized the North American territory.
Something similar happened with the Mesoamerican Indian tribes and the Spanish conquerors. Spain sent missions to evangelize the Indians into the Catholic Church dogma.
Secularization tried to change the paradigms of the Native Indians regarding natural resources, but it has practically minimum results. Native Indians always believed that Mother Nature provided everything they need to live and that is why they respected and honored nature with dances and chants. That is the reason why they opposed giving their lands to white settlers to be exploited in order to get profits.
As a network of neurons spread across multiple brain regions
In the body , the information across the body is transferred from the network of neurons which are responsible to share information all over the body parts .
Neurons transfer the message in the form of chemicals , which is transferred from one neuron to the other , these chemicals are referred to as the neurotransmitters , and he process of transmission is referred to as neurotransmission.
I believe the answer is Group entitativity
Group entitavity happen only if all members of that group had eliminated all of their individualistic purposes and live solely to serve the group's goal.
One example of a group entitativity would be the Japanese airforce soldiers during world war II, who were glad to conduct 'Kamikaze' (sacrificing their life by colliding their own planes to enemy's base)
In 1837 and 1838, insurgents in Upper and Lower Canada led rebellions against the Crown and the political status quo. The revolt in Lower Canada was more serious and violent than the rebellion in Upper Canada
Primates usually have five digits on each limb, with a fibrous protein forming the main structural constituent of nails on the end of each finger and toe. They have sensitive pads on the fingertips on the bottom sides of the hands and feet. Most primates can move toward and touch the other digits on the same thumbs, flat, and short fingernails.