An ATOM!, is the smallest unit of matter that has characteristic properties of its element. Explanation: An atom a major part of the matter. (Everything in the world (except energy) is made of a material, and, so, everything in the universe is composed of atoms.
<span>Certainly. Every organism has a variety of different characteristics. One person writing a key might choose to use different characteristics than another person would use.
For example: Here's a key for separating fish, snake, frog and mouse
A. Has scales on its skin ... 2
B. Has no scales on its skin ... 3
A. Breathes with gills - fish
B. Breathes with lungs - snake
A. Has hair or fur - mouse
B. Has no hair or fur - frog
Here's a different key for the same four animals:
A. Has four legs ... 2
B. Does not have 4 legs ... 3
A. is warm-blooded - mouse
B. is cold-blooded - frog
A. has fins - fish
B. has no fins - snake</span>
. It helps repair and build your body's tissues, allows metabolic reactions to take place and coordinates bodily functions.
Radiation can damage DNA. This could result in a change in the proteins which make up the plant's physical structure.
<span>For example, a plant might have a gene for purple pigment which makes its flowers purple. Radiation might change the DNA sequence so that the directions for making the purple pigment tell it to stop prematurely, and the result might be white flowers rather than purple flowers.</span>
1. Archipelago in Ecuador
2. Different beaks
3. He used Darwinism/ survival of the fittest / evolution to explain these adaptations. The birds on different islands adapted to varying, but specific food types.
4. mutation, gene flow, genetic drift, and natural selection.
Mutation creates new genetic variation in a gene pool.
Gene flow and genetic drift alter allele frequencies in a gene pool.
5. The finches have few predators / competition for food.