The circulatory and respiratory systems work together to circulate blood and oxygen throughout the body. Air moves in and out of the lungs through the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles. Blood moves in and out of the lungs through the pulmonary arteries and veins that connect to the heart.
The child might be suffering from impetigo which is the skin disease wherein the children are likely to develop red sores on any part of the body especially, around the nose and mouth.
Impetigo is a skin disease which can appear on any part of the body. It starts with tiny blisters which further starts revealing the moist and red skin. Impetigo is caused by group A <em>Streptococcus</em> and <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>. It gradually develops into honey colored crust which starts spreading. If the infection penetrates into deeper layers of skin, it can lead to severe complication called ecthyma. impetigo can worsen in case of poor health hygiene and warmer temperatures.
Learn more about impetigo here:
because it has toxic chemicAls fo use as well as killing
A boggy uterus, an unexpectedly elevated fundus on palpation, and profuse lochia are all indicators of uterine atony. The nurse must report a PPH right away and get ready to administer intravenous fluids and oxygen while inserting a large-bore intravenous catheter if one isn't already there.
Continue massaging and giving uterotonics to a swampy uterus to promote uterine contraction. Give 20–40 units of oxytocin, an analog of the hormone with the same name found in the body, in 1 L of lactated Ringer (LR) at a rate of 600 mL/h to sustain uterine contraction and manage hemorrhage. (b) Firmly massage the fundus if it is squishy (do not over-massage, this fatigues the muscle). (c) Until the patient's vital signs are stable, check on them every 15 minutes. (d) Avoid bladder enlargement.
Learn more about Postpartum here: