This is because Yu Tsun is more melancholy and full of foreboding. He says lots of ominous, uncheerful things, like "with the eyes of a man already dead, I contemplated the fluctuations of the day which would probably be my last." Since he's the narrator we hear from the most, the overall tone is one of gloom and doom. The story shows that there are many challenges as the story develops, but in the end h<span>e wraps up every little loose end to his labyrinthine narrative in the space of a single paragraph – and in this case, there's a lot to wrap up. </span>
A) Every time a certain church bell rings, something terrible happens to Guy
It's the most logical choice.
The sentence contains an external conflict.
We can define conflict as a struggle between two opposing forces. In literature, some common types of conflict are: character vs self, character vs society, and character vs nature.
Conflicts can also be external or internal. <u>External conflicts take place between the character and an outside force - another person, society, nature, financial difficulties etc.</u> On the other hand, an internal conflict happens in the character's mind, often because of the character's self - difficulty to change or to adapt, stress, fear, anger etc.
<u>The sentence we are analyzing here portrays an external conflict, since the characters (hikers) face an outside force (the desert on a hot day). The conflict here is, more precisely, man vs nature. These people can die due to dehydration during the day. They can also die from the cold at night. They can run into wild and poisonous animals, such as rattle snakes.</u>