An overweight person is highly susceptible to disorders like heart problems or stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes even some breathing problems such as sleep apnea and asthma
The muscular system is made up of over 600 muscles. These include three muscle types: smooth, skeletal, and cardiac. Only skeletal muscles are voluntary, meaning you can control them consciously.
It would probably be doing yoga
Someone is feeling hopeless, helpless, thinking of killing them self sometimes or
Someone is acting differently than normal, such as always seeming sad or anxious, struggling to complete tasks, or not being able care for themselves.
<u><em>The membrane potential is the basis for the conduction of nerve impulses along the cell membranes of neurons. Ions that are important in the formation of a nerve impulse include sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+). Ion channels and ion pumps are very specific; they allow only certain ions through the cell membrane.</em></u>