By definition, the phenotype is the actual physical manifestation of an organism's genotype, so the way an organism looks or behaves is what is being selected on. For example, if ladybugs have red (R) shells or yellow (r) shells and ladybug-eating birds only eat the ones with red shells, any red-shelled ladybugs will be selected against based only on their phenotype. The birds do not know whether each bug is RR, Rr, of rr, so phenotype, not genotype, is what is affected by natural selection.
Sponges absent
Cnidarians not jointed (Aquatic organisms, all have tentacles with nematocysts - stinging cells, used to capture food.)
Roundworms absent (AKA nematodes are unsegmented, colorless and do not have appendages).
Annelids not jointed (With the exception of leeches, all annelids have chitonous hair-like structures projecting from their cuticle. These appendages fulfill different functions in different species.)
Mollusks not jointed (Invertebrates that lack hard appendages such as legs or antennae)
Arthropods jointed (the arthropods are the only invertebrates to have jointed appendages)
Echinoderms not jointed (Due to their radial symmetry, all echinoderms have appendages which point outward from the center of the body like the spokes on a wheel.)
and vertebrate jointed
They are both water and carry oxygen for animals