he was a major general during the french and indian war and supervised the building of fort dobbs
Answer: c. neither the subjects in the experimental or control groups nor the experimenters know which are the experimental and control groups
A double minded study could be described as one where both the party carrying out the experiment and the perty involved in the experiment do not know themselves. The researcher has no idea with whom they are interacting with. They just perform function and go their way. The purpose of the study is to eliminate suggestion among pratitioners.
Music is not an standard academic subject.
Let's just say that the Jaguar! (a certain ride in Knott's) could instantly go from zero speed to, let's say, 40 mph, and vice versa. We know (if you have ridden it) that the Jaguar! is not a straight line, as you can't say that it is always traveling at 40 mph due north (otherwise it would never be able to make a loop)!
Remember that, since velocity is a vector quantity, a change in direction will constitute a change in velocity.
Easy! The answer has to be 300 feet seen from the daytime. I don't see how this is a social studies question though? Seems more like a drivers ed question.