Typical employers of biomedical engineers
research organisations.
diagnostic/medical instrumentation manufacturers.
charities, such as Designability: The Bath Institute of Medical Engineering.
When you're measuring the pulse and it is WEAK and RAPID, that is known as THREADY.
When you're measuring the pulse and it is STRONG and FULL that is know as BOUNDING.
Thready and bounding are just synonyms for strong and weak.
Humans: legs, walk
bird: wings, fly
insect: legs or wings, fly or walk
fish: fins, swim
Hypervitaminosis is a condition of abnormally high storage levels of vitamins
Hypercalcemia is over activity in the four tiny glands in the neck (parathyroid glands) or from cancer
It means like wanting or not wanting as of your parents let you go to a field trip then you're parents gave you consent