Doing something without actually thinking about it. You just go for it and do something without thinking of the other possible outcomes and consequences.
Harper Lee characterizes Atticus as a hard working attorney who’s pretty straightforward with his children, especially scout.
The correct answer is 4. A metaphor.
Metaphors are words, linguistic expressions or various forms of imagery that are used with transferred meaning. That is, one writes or talks about one thing to express another thing. A metaphor is a comparison in which the comparative word is not included. Metaphors are very common in everyday expression in all languages, that transfers the meaning of the original name to another object. It is part of the normal function and use of language, but it is especially important in poetry.
Introduction Hurricane Katrina is known for being the most dangerous and murderous hurricane that occurred in August of 2005. It was formed by a tropical wave that moved from the coast of Africa to the Gulf Coast. According to hurricanes, they are distinguished by five different categories, the fifth being the strongest. The tropical wave turned into a hurricane under the fifth category that destroyed thousands of homes and killed thousands of people. Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans hardest Explanation:
I believe that the closest synonym for the word overwhelmed is awestruck. It isn't jubilant, because that means happy. And overwhelmed isn't necessarily happy, it is just a strong emotion. Flattered and gracious just don't fit here.