Texas coast in 1926 and 1932. The last seal recorded to be killed by humans was killed on the Pedro Cays in 1939.
a scientific theory of the origin of species of plants and animals
: todas las bacterias se pueden clasificar en una de las tres formas básicas: esferas (cocos), bastones (bacilos) y espirales o hélices (espiroquetas). Necesidad de oxígeno: las bacterias también se clasifican en dos grupos, según si necesitan oxígeno para vivir.
Answer/Explanation: Carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms with the ratio of hydrogen atoms to oxygen atoms in the ration of 2 hydrogen atoms to 1 oxygen atoms (2H : 10) such as in sucrose or table sugar C12H22011. It is Carbohydrates are a ready source of energy.