Types of Hybrid Computers:
1. Large Electronic Hybrid Computer
2. General-Purpose Hybrid Computers
3. Special-Purpose Hybrid Computers
Examples of Hybrid Computers
1. Gasoline Station
2. Electrocardiogram Machine
3. Ultrasound Machine
4. Monitoring Machine
5. Research and Production Industries
6. Forensic
7. Defence
Types of Analogue Computers
1. Slide Rules
2. Differential Analysers
3. Castle Clock
4. Electronic Analogue Computers
5. Mechanical Analogue Computers
Examples of Analogue Computers
1. Thermometer
2. Speedometer
3. Analogue Clock
4. Seismometer
5. Voltmeter
6. Flight Simulators
7. Tide Predictors
Types of Digital Computers
1. Micro Computer
2. Mini Computer
3. Mainframe Computer
4. Super Computer
Examples of Digital Computers
1. Calculator
2. Digital Clock
3. Automobiles
4. Weighing Machine
5. Consumer Electronic Equipments
6. Smart Phones
7. Laptop/Personal Computer
8. ATM