My dear reader, the rule of law is not a respecter of person or group of persons. Every soul and institutions is equal before the law. Hence, no one is above the law. In any criminal trial, the onus of proving the guilt against an accused person arraigned before a court of law beyond reasonable doubt rest squarely on the prosecution unless, in some special cases when the prosecution closes its case having called witnesses to testify against an accused person.
they had all kinds british ETC.......................................
<span>a patriot means a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors</span>
They wanted a new contery and already thougt of themselfs as there own contrey
B. Conflict Perspective
The conflict perspective in sociology sees society as the result of competing groups of people that struggle for limited resources. Karl Marx is considered the founder of this perspective.
Under a conflict perspective, the fact that white criminals spend less time in jail than minority criminals would mean that white people are winning the struggle for limited resources. They are using their power to opress minorities with several measures including racial injustice in the form of longer average jail sentences.
Here are some of their achievements:
- theory of radioactivity
-discovery of a new element, polonium
-discovery of another element, radium
- developing new ways of separating radioactive isotopes
-discovery of nuclear energy ( by Pierre and one of his students)