<u>The following best describes the demographics of Europe:</u>
- Low birth rate
- positive migration
- low death rate
Europe is a developed country and reached to a higher level of population dynamics. The population pyramid looks like bell in Sweden, Germany and Britain because the population between the age group of 20-35 years is high in these countries.
The total life expectancy is also high in these western countries due to modern medical facilities and technological development. Immigration is very common in this continent due to pull factors. Birth rate and death rate both are low here that's why it reached the target of zero population growth rate.
I'm pretty sure its the 'Warsaw Pact'
The correct answer is incubation.
Incubation effect is when you come up with a solution to the problem, or remember something you were trying hard to remember, after a period of time when you weren't exactly consciously thinking about it. It means that the problem was incubated, but that your brain came up with the solution unconsciously, without your awareness.
The bigram level
The bigram level of analysis is an example of the N-gram model(as we can also have trigram). It is used in statistical language models to calculate probability and interprete letters in words based on previous occurrence(preceding word). In other words a bigram(less commonly called digram) makes prediction using conditional probabilities that are based on previous word. A tigram would do just same thing but predicts based on two preceding words.