Producers use advertising cause it just brings and attracts customers to your business and increases your sales. When consumers see a good looking and positive advertisement they will be more disposed to buy.
He is saying that no has been president (station) due to they just founded the county. That as the first president he must set the standard due to no one else has done this job, so he means he must find his own way on how to do things.
Japan was in the Axis and the British had been fighting Japan so when the USA declared war it was fighting both Germany and Italy, with Japan
Because Mexico as well as the lost territories (including California or Texas) is a resource-rich country, with several minerals and pasture land.
The start of Islam is marked in the year 610, following the first revelation to the prophet Muhammad at the age of 40. Muhammad and his followers spread the teachings of Islam throughout the Arabian peninsula. Soon after the death of the prophet