The answer is that assimilation is considered to be less
harsh than paternalism due to the fact that assimilation still enables a
country to adopt various cultures, and makes equality, while in paternalism, it
is considered to make a country lesser, or less a country. Paternalism refers
to the practice or policy of government bodies that restricts freedom and
responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates.
The most villages do not have Marshals.
The villages normally have the police department to maintain the law and order of that place and to maintain peace. It also has fire departments to handle if any kind of mishappening takes place in the villages.
Villages have commissions which consist of groups of people who are working to achieve some particular goals and objectives. But villages do not have marshals mostly because marshals are the highest rank army officers and they are mostly in the big cities and not in villages.
Religion has been more influential in shaping culture than a government. During the early years of colonization, religion played a role to make the people submit themselves. <span>The culture of subservience was easily used by the clergy, in other words, the people's f</span><span>aith had become a tool to easily expand the lands of Europe. </span>
As a peninsula, the people of Greece took advantage of living by the sea. The mountains in Greece did not have fertile soil good for growing crops, like in Mesopotamia, but the mild climate allowed for some farming. The Greeks, like many other ancient civilizations, felt deeply connected to the land they lived on.