A Hypothesis
The Oxford English Dictionary defines hypothesis as the following: “A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.”
An experiment is a scientific procedure that is used to demonstrate a fact, test a hypothesis or make a discovery
<span>There are many
factors associated with the events of gram negative sepsis and septic shock
such as risk factors for organ dysfunction, infection, contingent upon
developing infection. Other factors
include residence in care facilities for long time, use of immunosuppressive
medications, prosthetic devices, and malnutrition.</span>
Invertebrates are the organisms in which backbone or vertebral column is absent.
The three macroinvertebrate categories are annelids, mollusks and arthropods.
Annelids are the organisms having segmented body. They are found in moist places. Examples are leeches and earth worms.
Mollusks are the organisms which are enclosed in a calcium carbonate shell. Examples are snails and slugs.
arthropods are the invertebrates which have segmented body and jointed appendages. Examples are insects and crustaceans etc.