What type of logical fallacy is this and why " I was actually on a bus recently and overheard two people talking. They were disc
ussing some guy that was apparently sort of a player. I left my headphones at home by accident so I couldn't help but overhear. One girl said that her roommate knew the guy and said that he hit on her and was saying all these nice things about how he wants to be with her etc. and apparently he had been saying that to some other girls as well. Anyways at some point one of the girls says "Well I don't think [the roommate] really dealt with him because he's out of her league". Long story short I wish I'd had my headphones because listening to trashy people is the fastest way to ruin your faith in humanity for the day. Regardless, it was quite shocking and probably one of the most annoying bus rides of my life." PLEASE HELP ME !!!