nobody would put another person at risk
not required to hear the case.
The United States Court of Appeals is also known as the circuit courts that are the intermediate appellate courts. The US courts of appeals are one of the most powerful as well influential courts in America.
In the context, Boyd flies a case against Cathy in the federal district court where Cathy loses the case. She then makes an appeal to the circuit courts or the United States Court of Appeals for a second circuit but she loses again. Now if Cathy moves to the Supreme Court of the U.S. and makes an appeal, the Supreme Court is not required to hear Cathy's case as she already made an appeal in the Court of Appeals of U.S. and The court has made his judgement.
Labourer With Permission to work in a foreign nation .
China is the world's most active death penalty country; according to Amnesty International, China executes more people than the rest of the world combined per annum. In Iran and Saudi Arabia, the numbers of executions are also very high.