I think the a swer is B, too broad.
Lmk if I'm right and if I helped in any way.
I would go with C because the possessive pronoun is before it
Banquo is skeptical of the Witches’ intentions and remains unconvinced of the Witches’ prophecy. Banquo warns Macbeth that “instruments of darkness” often tell half-truths “to win us to our harm” (1.3.125–126). While the Witches have prophesied great futures for both Macbeth and Banquo, Banquo is less inspired and intrigued than Macbeth and would rather leave the matter safely alone.
Answer: Wild Goose Chase
Plagiarism is a big issue in the academic and journalistic world ( indeed any subject that has to do with writing) and it is worthy of note that it does not mean simply copying a person's work to pass as your own. It can also mean failing to give proper credit where it is due.
This is the form of plagiarism that the Wild Goose Chase plagiarism is. It involves using the works of an author but instead of correctly citing them so due credit is given, the writer instead uses other sources either real or made up which is what Lee did in her blog post.
It is called a Wild Goose Chase because somebody aiming to verifying the information will not find the information where they were supposed to meaning that the writer had sent them on a wild goose chase.
His mistress
It was when they were leaving the train and went into Ash Valley.