All of the above. Taxes are used for each of these.
Motown records was created by Berry Gordy Jr. who is an American record executive, record producer, song writer, film producer and television producer. The Motown record company played a very important role in the racial integration of popular music as an African-American owned label that got crossover success. Motown was the most successful record label of soul music. Motown producers believed "resolutely" in KISS principle (keep it simple stupid) and they used Pop production techniques such as the use of orchestral string sections, charted horn sections, and carefully arranged support vocals. Complex arrangements and melismatic vocal riffs were avoided.
Field-level briefings
your welcome
All of the above.
Job analysis is when manager uses information available as a criteria for determining attributes required to perform a job.
In job analysis, information is made available to managers to know which employee is best suited for a particular role. It is also used to measure the capacity of employees whether they are being under or over utilized.
For effective job redistribution, job analysis is best recommended because it describes the work of current employee, working conditions and necessary educational certifications. Skills needed to perform on a role are also part of what is being considered in job analysis.