Rule of thumb is;
Your cumulative total student loans taken as at the time you are graduating should be less than your proposed annual starting salary.
Step-by-step explanation:
When calculating the loan a college student can afford, a rule of thumb comes in very handy which is that:
Your cumulative total student loans taken as at the time you are graduating should be less than your proposed annual starting salary.
This is because If your total student loan debt is less than your proposed annual income, it means all things being equal, you would be able to pay back the loan in about 10 years or less. However, if the loan debt exceeds your proposed income, it means you are likely to going to struggle and find it very difficult to repay your loan.
The function is linear since the graph of it would be a straight line. You can tell this by looking at the equation since there are no squares, roots, division, etc. that would make the line stray.
If you understand trigonometry, this should be easy :)