A tool used to guide a formal meeting (Gradpoint)
The problem in my community is Racism/Sexism.
<h3>What is civic issues? </h3>
Civic issue involves when an Individual or group addressing issues of public concern. It includes communities working together or individuals working alone in both political and non political actions to protect Public values or make a change in community.
For example: difference between rich and poor discrimination, corruption, environmental issues, , reservation quota.
Racism is one of the civic problem in my society. Racism is unfair treatment of people of a particular race in society specially , to the benefits of people of another race.
to learn more about civic issues click here
Privelage is suggestive, yet it's common knowledge that some have more privilege than others. Privilege is a right or special advantage that only a specific group, or person has that others do not have. Privilege can apply to many different things such as amnesty to do certain things, or the ability to do things that others cannot.
Ex. A sibling may have privilege to stay out until 12am, while the other must be home much earlier. The sibling that can stay out later has an advantage, which is privilege.
all except appearance
a persons perspective typically doesn't affect their perspective on anything besides beauty, or body image. thinking from a teachers standpoint, all but appearance apply