Step 1: Identify the Problem
Step 2: Review the Literature. ...
Step 3: Clarify the Problem Step 4: Clearly Define Terms and Concepts.
No October is not tornado season
Contract manufacturing
Contract manufacturing involves outsourcing a portion of a manufacturing process of a product to another company.
The following is written in Java. It creates the trafficLight class which holds the currentLight string variable and a int count variable for the number of times the light has been red. It also contains two constructors one that takes the currentLight as a parameter and one that does not. Finally, it has the next() method which analyzes the currentLight status and changes it to the next light. Output can be seen in the attached picture below.
class Brainly
public static void main(String[] args)
trafficLight traffic_light = new trafficLight();
System.out.println("Current Light: " + traffic_light.currentLight);;
System.out.println("Current Light after change: " + traffic_light.currentLight);
class trafficLight {
String currentLight;
int count = 0;
public trafficLight(String currentLight) {
this.currentLight = currentLight;
public trafficLight() {
this.currentLight = "red";
public void next() {
if (this.currentLight == "green") {
this.currentLight = "yellow";
} else if (this.currentLight == "yellow") {
this.currentLight = "red";
} else {
this.currentLight = "green";