- def convertStr(num):
- Number = ("One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine")
- numStr = str(num)
- output = ""
- for x in numStr:
- index = int(x) - 1
- output += Number[index] + " "
- return output
- value = 1234
- print(convertStr(value))
Firstly, create a function convertStr that take one input number (Line 1).
This function convert the input number to string (Line 3) and then use for-loop to traverse through the individual digit (Line 6). In the loop, get the target index to extract the corresponding digit letter from the Number tuple(Line 7). The target index is always equal to the current digit number - 1. Next, join the extracted digit letter from the tuple to an output string (Line 8) and return it at the end of the function (Line 10).
We test the function using 1234 as argument (Line 12 - 13) and we shall get One Two Three Four
The technician should delete the startup configuration and the "vlan.dat" file residing in the flash memory of the newly added switch and lastly, he should reboot the switch.
In this scenario, a Cisco Catalyst switch has been added to support the use of multiple virtual local area networks (VLANs) as part of an enterprise network. The network technician finds it necessary to clear all virtual local area network (VLAN) information from the switch in order to incorporate a new network design. To accomplish this task successfully, the technician should delete the startup configuration and the "vlan.dat" file residing in the flash memory of the newly added switch and lastly, he should reboot the switch. The VLAN informations are stored in a file with the name "vlan.dat" residing in the flash memory of the switch.
However, in order to delete the startup configuration he would be required to login as an administrator, so as to have all privileges.
<em>Also, the essence of deleting the startup configuration and the "vlan.dat" is to avoid any conflict in the network. </em>
I would say it would be a cluster of related commands.
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