Palindromes are numbers whose reverse is the same as the original number
There are twenty-five 5-digit palindromic numbers, that have digits that add up to 14
<h3>How to determine the count of 4-digit palindromes</h3>
The digit of the palindromic number is 5.
This means that:
- The first digit of the palindrome can be any of 1 to 7 (because 7 is half of 14)
- The second digit can be any of 0 - 6 (i.e. 7 digits)
- The third digit can be any of 9 digits
- The fourth digit must be the second digit (i.e. 1 digit)
- The last digit must be the first digit (i.e. 1 digit)
So, the total number of digits is:
Hence, there are twenty-five 5-digit palindromic numbers, that have digits that add up to 14
Read more about palindromes at: