The correct answer is option c. Haploid spores.
In the plants, spores are normally unicellular and haploid and produced by the process of meiosis in the sporophytic body of the plant.
These haploid spores undergo the mitotic division and develop a new individual called gametophyte that forms gametes eventually.
Thus, the correct answer is option C. Haploid spores.
El dolor en la articulación metatarsofalángica se debe a cambios tisulares debidos a una biomecánica aberrante del pie. Los signos y síntomas incluyen dolor al caminar y dolor a la presión. El diagnóstico es clínico; sin embargo, deben realizarse estudios para excluir infecciones o enfermedades reumáticas sistémicas (como la artritis reumatoidea). El tratamiento incluye ortesis, a veces inyección local, y en ocasiones cirugía.
Igneous rocks are classified by particle size
Net photosynthesis- 3mm/20min- 1.5mm/10min
Cellular respiration- 1mm/15min- 0.66mm/10min
Gross photosynthesis = Net photosynthesis + Cellular respiration = 1.5+0.66 = 2.16 (mm/10min)
Rate of photosynthesis = (gross photosynthesis)6 = 2.16 *6 = 12.96 mm/hr
As we are measuring rate of photosynthesis in hr ,we should multiply gross photosynthesis with 6 (as we measured gross photosynthesis for 10 min).
The description above refers to parietal peritoneum. The <span>parietal peritoneum is referred to as the serous membrane that borders the organs in the abdomen as well as the pelvic cavities. The peritoneum is classified into two and the other is known as the visceral peritoneum which covers the external surfaces. </span>