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Massachusetts Bay Colony practiced Puritan where the life of the colonist dominated by the church and its beliefs. The communities in the colony united with each other and lived in harmony. Liabilities: The religious leader holds powers in Massachusetts Bay Colony with the right to judge the people and sometimes led in punish the righteous.
Pennsylvania founded by William Penn, in 1681 and became the colony to encourage others to practice religion with no restrictions and persecution. By inviting the Europeans from different places, led the colony to increase wealth. Liabilities: Heresy allowed to grow alongside virtue in Pennsylvania. Religion was a matter of personal opinion.
As we do not have access to this text, we cannot provide examples, citations or references of this text. However, we are able to look at what servant leadership is and how it is exercised in the world.
Servant leadership is a philosophy of leadership in which a person is considered a leader because he serves. This kind of leader puts the needs of his employees first. Moreover, his main focus is that of helping the employees thrive and develop as much as possible. According to this philosophy, instead of the people working to serve the leader, the leader exists to serve the people.
The correct answer is "Men earn more than half of bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and doctorates."
Identify a true statement about workforce diversity: "Men earn more than half of bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and doctorates."
That is why companies must open their doors to accept more women in the workplace.
Diversity means opening the door to all genders, forms of thinking, ethnicities, races, cultures, and nationalities.
That is why diversity initiatives can be the following. The need to implement effective legislation prohibiting discrimination and encouraging employment. To take action to improve the education of non-dominant group members. To erase the digital divide between races and classes.
These actions prove that society is diverse and welcomes all of those that are not traditional and does not criticizes or judges what is not familiar to it.
C) lucid dreaming,A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware of dreaming. During lucid dreaming, the dreamer may be able to exert some degree of control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment.