Three things one is expected to know when you are going to be involved with communicating with Deaf People and Hard of Hearing individuals are:
1. One of the key to communicating with this group of people is ensuring that there is sustained and prolonged eye-contact with them.
2. It is taken as a rude gesture to continue a conversation with a deaf person or hard of hearing individual while engaging in something else.
3. You should never avert eye-contact, because this signifies that you are bored and disinterested in the communication.
Three things one is expected to know when you are going to be involved with communicating with Deaf People and Hard of Hearing individuals are:
1. One of the key to communicating with this group of people is ensuring that there is sustained and prolonged eye-contact with them.
2. It is taken as a rude gesture to continue a conversation with a deaf person or hard of hearing individual while engaging in something else.
3. You should never avert eye-contact, because this signifies that you are bored and disinterested in the communication.