Aliyah will take a total of 4274 steps.
Step-by-step explanation:
Number of steps from home to store = 1317 steps
Number of steps from store to park = 561 steps
Number of steps from park to friends house = 259 steps
So now we will find the Total number of steps from home to friends house.
Total number of steps from home to friends house can be calculated by adding Number of steps from home to store and Number of steps from store to park and Number of steps from park to friends house.
framing in equation form we get;
Total number of steps from home to friends house = 
Is same route is followed to home we can say that;
Total number of steps from friends house to home = 2137 steps.
So Total number of steps she will take next day will be equal to Total number of steps from home to friends house plus Total number of steps from friends house to home.
framing in equation form we get;
Total number of steps she will take next day = 2137 +2137 = 4274 steps
Hence Aliyah will take a total of 4274 steps.