personal finance is important because it's considering a variety of activities related to your finances and how to best manage them. The activities can help you to be a more financially responsible person and to develop financial discipline.
Total Surface Area of Solid = C.s.a of hemisphere+C.s.a of cone+C.s.a of Cylinder
slant height of cone=√h²+r²
height of cone = 10 cm
radius of hemisphere =radius of cone=radius of cylinder=8cm
T.S.A of solid=2πrh+2πr²+πrl
=1155.52 cm²
hope this helps
The correct answer is A) Pavlov's conditioning of salivation in dogs
Pavlov's conditioning of salivation in dogs is an example of appetitive conditioning. The correct answer is A) Pavlov's conditioning of salivation in dogs
Appetitive Conditioning is a type of associative learning in which the unconditioned stimulus is positive reinforcement for the reward.
Pavlov's conditioning of salivation in dogs is the experiment that demonstrates classical conditioning in dogs. Pavlov applied an external stimulus, a bell, that did not produce response such as salivation. And then he applied an unconditioned stimulus such as food that produced an unconditioned response such as salivation.
Man trap
A man trap is common in Banks and shops which has lots of valuables. It comprises of a small space with 2 doors(an entry and exit door) and in rare cases more than 2 doors.When the exit door opens the entry door is usually closed and vice versa. It’s used for security and protection of lives and property.