The First President of Nigeria was Dr. Nnamdi Azikewe.
Option b
A partnership in business, is a business relationship and every business relationship is required to be accountable for its affairs, reporting and taxable because they engage in business activity as any business activity is meant to reporting to government on its returns which is a portion of what ever business activity had been carried out through tax remissions. So yes a partnership is reporting and taxable.
<span>Land Area of Oil Countries of Southwest Asia.Population of Oil Countries of Southwest Asia.Critical Thinking Question.Set 1: Iran, Qatar, United Arab Emirates.Set 2: Oman, Yemen, Syria.Set 3: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait.World Oil Reserves.<span>World Oil Consumption.</span></span>
Answer: A. centralized decision-making
The centralization of decision making is not among the basic principles of the US free enterprise system. The six basic principles are the freedom to choose employment or business, property rights, profit motive, competition, rule of law and consumer sovereignty.