<span>While alien genomes may be constructed by completely different molecules (for example, silicon based life forms are a possibility rather than carbon) it is logical to assume that all life forms would have some sort of protective mechanism to prevent the degradation of DNA during replication. Essentially, to prevent mutations and rapid aging, DNA, alien or otherwise, would have some types of telomeres. They might either be long chains of repeated or irrelevant code or molecules that would not be easily corrupted.</span>
Auxin, which is produced by the apical bud, encourages the growth of apical buds while inhibiting the growth of lateral buds that are located lower on the stem, toward the axillary bud.
What does a shoot's apical bud produce?</h3>
Auxin, a hormone produced by the apical bud, travels via the plant's circulatory system (phloem) down the stem and prevents axillary buds from expanding, which would otherwise result in the production of additional side shoots from the plant cells.
<h3>What function does auxin serve?</h3>
Auxin plays a crucial role in controlling plant growth and development by regulating embryonic development, root and stem tropisms, apical dominance,and the transition to blooming..
<h3>What are the four roles that auxins play?</h3>
- Its primary uses are to stimulate shoot growth in culture and to enhance lateral and accidental shoot growth.
- aids in overcoming auxin-induced apical dominance.
- encourage the development of leaves' chloroplasts.
- encourages the mobilization of nutrients and delays leaf senescence.
learn more about Auxin here
Antarctic fish. To stop their blood from freezing, some fish that live in the arctic and Antarctic have special Antifreeze proteins. Antifreeze proteins are very clever, as they slow down the formation of bonds between water molecules, which prevents the formation of ice crystals in the fish's blood.
Discovery, research, and interviewing
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