1. Open the form in the standard form view.
2. Put the cursor in the field to use for sorting.
3. Open the Home tab
4. In the Sort & Filter group, click ascending or descending
Took the test :)
import pandas as pd #importing pandas library as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #importing matplotlib.pyplot as plt
pop=pd.read_csv('nycHistPop.csv') #reading the csv file
borough=input('Enter borough name:') #asking the user for borough namme
# image=input('Enter image name:')
# pop['Fraction']=pop[borough]/pop['Total']
# pop.plot(x='Year', y='Fraction')
print("Minimum population",pop[borough].min()) #printing the minimum population of borough
print("Maximum population",pop[borough].max()) #printing the maximum population of borough
print("Average population",pop[borough].mean()) #printing the average population of borough
print("Standard deviation",pop[borough].std()) #printing the standard deviation of borough
# fig=plt.gcf()
# fig.savefig(image)
The BIOS contains the information.
Attached excel file containing formula for monthly cost of gas.
To find mileage note down readings at the star of month and at end of month.
Subtract end of month reading from start this will give you number of miles in month. Now as per mentioned in question, divide number of miles by average mpg and multiply by the price of a gallon of gas.
Here is your monthly cost of gas.