Amost all professions include theuse of computers. Knowing a lot about them and the way they work could help you use them when needed in a work environment. It would also make an employer more likely to hire you.
Sholes arranged the keys in their odd fashion to prevent jamming on mechanical typewriters by separating commonly used letter combinations.
select style_name, as brewery,count(beer_id) as Num
from beerdb.beers be
inner join beerdb.styles st
on be.style_id = st.style_id
join beerdb.breweries br on
be.brewery_id = br.brewery_id
group by style_name ,
having count(beer_id)>=10
order by style_name, num desc
names = ['Peter', 'Bruce', 'Steve', 'Tony', 'Natasha', 'Clint', 'Wanda', 'Hope', 'Danny', 'Carol']
numbers = [100, 50, 10, 1, 2, 7, 11, 17, 53, -8, -4, -9, -72, -64, -80]
for index, element in enumerate(names):
if index % 2 == 0:
for num in numbers:
if num >= 0:
print(num, end = " ")
count = 0
for i in numbers:
count += i
avg = count/len(numbers)
print("sum = ", count)
print("average = ", avg)
for num in numbers:
if num % 2 != 0:
print(num, end = " ")
I'm stuck on the last two.. I have to do those too for an assignment.