A) the judicial process must determine who was responsible.
Sometimes an accident can be caused by someone's negligence. Such neglect can cause injury or serious harm to an individual who did not deserve to be penalized for another person's negligence. If this injured person wishes to receive redress for the injury he has suffered, the court case must determine who was responsible, as the person responsible for providing redress to the victim.
The upper respiratory system includes the nasal cavity (nose), the pharynx and larynx.
Air enters the body through the nose or mouth, this moistens and warms the air that enters since cold dry air will irritate the lungs. The air then travels down the voice box and down the windpipe.
Answer: c time and location
More available and accessible alternatives have greatly
influenced modern day families.
The role of the child has molded the dynamics of families
today. Choice has paved the way for a planned parenthood. It has also provided the
children to opt to join or not join the workforce.