The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. Ding A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. Ding Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, ding
Number 6 is D
<span>Indians believed that they were closely linked
to the land. Anything that lives and grows in the land is put to good use. Men
and women share equal parts in their tribes. Men were mostly involved in
distributing the goods of their tribe to other places. Women were involved in
farming and weaving clothes. Before the Europeans came in, Native Americans
lived in hunting and gathering communities in small populations. </span><span>
maximize everything that the land gives them. They base their living on the
kind of seasons that the environment is giving them. Their clothing comes from
animals and their diet changes depending on what animals are available for
hunting. They were not nomadic; they built their own small communities and
protect their territories from other Native American tribes. They had no
concept of owning, everything that was gathered and hunted is to be shared
equally to all members of the tribe.</span></span>
Is determined by state leadership
All primaries are partisan
all states have them
All states had them in 2008
and the state legislature determines the type of primary is used, either open, closed, semi closed, caucus, non cacus etc.